Before starting self defence with Hard Target I always wondered what I would do if somebody attacked me when I was out.
Rather than waiting for it to happen I decided to find someone who could help me prepare for such an event.
I called a few self defence schools but as soon as I mentioned a wheelchair the conversation quickly shut down.
I then called Hard Target, straight away it was a different atmosphere. I set up a day for my first one on one session and looked forward to starting. I went in with no expectations partially because I had no idea what to expect.
To my surprise the place had a very friendly, family, home feel. I didn’t feel like I was in some testosterone fuelled boot camp. It was extremely welcoming.
From day one I was very involved with my program and my instructor Aidan never claimed to know everything, he has always welcomed my input which I think is a big reason why he is so good at what he does. The main thing I have gained in the last year training with Hard Target hasn’t necessarily been physical skills but awareness and knowledge of how to avoid being an easy target.
My confidence has increased hugely and my overall quality of life has improved. In my opinion you can’t really put a price on that.
I would encourage other wheelchair users to give it a go because you’ll be surprised how beneficial it is and how much more empowered you’ll feel.
David Griffith