Fish is one of our most valuable sources of protein food. World-wide, people obtain about 25% of their animal protein from fish and shell fish. About 35% of all fish is eaten fresh, chilled or frozen. It is also cured or canned (16% each) or made into oil and fish meal (32%).
Your body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids, so it must rely on dietary sources to get them. Eating fatty fish or taking a supplement is the only way to introduce omega-3s into your body. Fatty fish such as Atlantic salmon, blue fin tuna and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Each serving contains more than 1 mg of fish oil.
Though more research is needed, some health conditions also benefit from fish oil. Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have found taking fish oil to decrease morning stiffness, and possibly decrease the amount of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs needed to reduce pain levels. Women who suffer from severe pain during their menstrual cycle, known as dysmenorrhea, may reduce discomfort when combining fish oil and vitamin B12. Additional health conditions, which possibly benefit from increased fish oil include osteoporosis, depression and kidney problems. Fish oil also decreases plaque build-up in your vessels, reduces the risk for blood clots and heart attack. Fish oil also slightly reduces your blood pressure. Do not stop taking blood pressure medications, however, without the guidance of your doctor.
Dietary Tips
Eating fatty fish is critical, but also the way you cook it. Pan-frying fish eliminates any health benefits of fish oil due to the high levels of fat. Fish oil contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and is a healthy fat. When pan-frying fish, using less healthy oils such vegetable oils and butter increase the amounts of fat you are eating. Consuming large amounts of unhealthy fat increases cholesterol, weight and risk of heart disease. It is essential to bake steam or grill fish and avoid large amounts of heavy creams, sauces and salt for fish to remain heart healthy.
Supplement with Krill Oil
Krill are shrimp like crustaceans, and form the most abundant living organism on the planet. They are fished in the pristine waters off Antarctica and are the ideal ethical and sustainably sourced form of marine sourced Omega 3 EPA and DHA. I have been using various fish oil supplements over the past 8-10 years, but can definitely feel and see the advantages of using Krill Oil as opposed to fish oil. After only 3 week I noticed the following changes; finger and toe nails appearance improved, growth of nails improved, hair has more suppleness and appears to have more of a shine. I also tend to get dry skin from time to time, particularly when exposed to the sun, but I am just back from a week’s holiday in the sun and the difference is very evident, no sign of dry skin.
My profession as a Personal Trainer demands that my diet is always clean and healthy, it is also very important for me to remain supple and flexible and fish oil has always been on the top of my list when it comes to dietary supplements. Not only is my career physically demanding but also very mentally taxing. What I found in the past (while delivering 5-6 hour seminars) is that I would often get mild headaches but I have not experienced this while supplementing with krill oil. The brand I recommend is Cleanmarine™ visit