Presumption, we’re all guilty of it. The guy or girl in traffic who snakes from lane to lane; ‘Where do they think they’re going? I’m not letting them in front of me, what an idiot’.
Presumption, we’re all guilty of it. The guy or girl in traffic who snakes from lane to lane; ‘Where do they think they’re going? I’m not letting them in front of me, what an idiot’.
Ever wondered how you go about becoming a bodyguard or what training or qualifications are required to operate legally as a CPO (Close Protection Operative)? Intelligent Security Training in association with Hard Target Defence Systems will be training…
To see how this man challenged his fears and disability is absolutely inspiring. The training addresses many self protection tactics as well as defence skills, from everyday situations, such as: Protecting ones personal space in public areas and transport, bad guys body language.
When I teach I always aim to leave every student feeling a little better when the lesson is over. Many lessons are learnt on the mats but I believe the most important of all is acknowledging the ego. I also believe that 99.9% of the time why a student quits is because….
I took a call in the office a few weeks back from a lady who had been robbed and beaten at a petrol station. This lady made many mistakes that culminated into a perfect storm of violence. The most obvious to me and her attacker was that she moved too fast!
Growing up in the shadows of Thomand Park in Limerick City made it impossible not to love rugby. It also was a city of violence and of knife attacks. It was in 1966 when I purchased a self defence book. It told me to run, flee and escape… to become a Hard Target.
Congratulations to everyone who took part in this weekend’s 2 Day Self-Defence course in Dublin. Really was another inspiring weekend at Hard Target and during the course we addressed many common fears and how to structure a plan to dispel or control them.
I’ve always taken a minute before every class to give thanks for the honour of being in a position to teach. I also ask my God to use me to assist all those in attendance to the best of my ability and to be aware of the roller coaster of emotions in the room; fear, anxiety, eagerness and my favourite – LOVE?
How relevant is body language in preventing being selected as a victim for attack? As part of our research we have also interviewed dozens of active and (so called) retired criminals to find out why they chose the victims they did. Non-verbal cues played a big part…
Nowadays, you only have to take a casual amble through your local chemist aisles to realise just how many products there are on the market for aches and soreness and whether sports-related or for general muscular and tissue injury. “Deep Heat” was a cure all….
Congratulations to everyone who took part in last weekend’s 2 Day Self-Defence course. The first introduction course of 2015 will remain in my memory for many reasons. We had new people training with the more experienced. All students did an inspiring job….
Hard Target Self-Defence Systems specialise in fitness and one-to-one personal training and over the years many of our clients have succeeded in reaching their health and fitness targets, whether it’s strength training, building muscle, toning up or slimming down.
With Christmas now behind us, I am back into my normal routine and it feels good! I always enjoy Christmas. For me it’s a time to reflect over the past year, absorb the lessons, relax and catch up on lots of reading. As long as I can remember I have always been…
It’s the time of New Year’s resolutions. We would like to address one resolution and area of personal development that many people often neglect – their ability to get themselves or their loved ones home safely. The majority of people will at some point….
Are you stuck for ideas for what to cook for Christmas dinner? This delicious Quorn Wellington, from the Hard Target Cookbook, will make the perfect Christmas main-course. This festive dish, is simple to make and can be easily adapted to a gluten-free recipe.
This is the Christmas present that could quite literally save the life of a loved one. At Christmas so many gifts are exchanged that just end up in a drawer, well not this one. Classes help grow confidence, get in shape and give the knowledge needed to get home safe!
Like to improve your awareness? Try this awareness workout for five minutes a day. To work your awareness muscles only takes a few minutes a day, with no sweat and no pain! You don’t need to be a high level martial artist to have sharp awareness skills.
Food is a big thing at Christmas time and several people think that everything served must be dripping in Goose Fat. This simple little recipe from the Hard Target Cookbook is a great way to use up any left over turkey. Make a tasty and healthy alternative for St. Stephen’s day.
Getting into the Christmas spirit and looking forward to Santa Claus visiting! It can also be a time when the “bad guys” can be very active… Plan your day out in Dublin City shopping in advance. Where you will park or bus stop that will leave you most central.
As self-defence instructors, this is one subject we are asked about on a regular basis when we talk about self-defence and getting home safe. So, in this article I want to highlight the safety fundamentals when using a taxi. There are a number of dangers when on a night out.